Triglodita is a brand of beer that focuses exclusively on the wheat variety, respecting the essence of the original recipe.
The naming Triglodita (wheat + troglodyte) was created to allude to the antiquity of its recipe and the peculiarity of focusing on wheat as the only cereal.
The naming Triglodita (wheat + troglodyte) was created to allude to the antiquity of its recipe and the peculiarity of focusing on wheat as the only cereal.
The brand image revolves around prehistory, using animal prints and a chromatic range in brown and neutral tones, which in Triglodita Lemon become more acidic to reflect the freshness of this variety.
The brand image revolves around prehistory, using animal prints and a chromatic range in brown and neutral tones, which in Triglodita Lemon become more acidic to reflect the freshness of this variety.
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