La cardelina / 21 del 10

Client: Bodegas Alzania ✴ 2019

needed to restyle one of its wines, 21 del 10, and, at the same time, to launch a new white wine to accompany it: La cardelina.

We designed these two labels following the same style with manual pencil illustration, clean white background and a typography with character.

Realizamos el diseño de estas dos etiquetas siguiendo un mismo estilo con ilustración manual, fondo blanco límpio y una tipografía con carácter, resultando un conjunto muy especial, elegante y atemporal.

We designed these two labels following the same style with manual pencil illustration, clean white background and a typography with character.

Resultado: un conjunto muy especial, elegante y atemporal → Resultado: un conjunto muy especial, elegante y atemporal → Resultado: un conjunto muy especial, elegante y atemporal → Resultado: un conjunto muy especial, elegante y atemporal → Resultado: un conjunto muy especial, elegante y atemporal → Resultado: un conjunto muy especial, elegante y atemporal →

La cardelina hace referencia al jilguero común, Carduelis carduelis. Decidimos representar una pareja de aves con una composición asimétrica y equilibrada. 

The cardelina refers to the common goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis. We decided to represent a pair of birds with an asymmetrical and balanced composition. 

For the wine 21 to 10 we needed to represent an element that was feminine and delicate, since this date refers to the birth of the daughter of the owners of the winery. That is why we chose the Centaurea, a wild flower that usually grows near fields and vineyards, intermingled with the harvests.

For the wine 21 to 10 we needed to represent an element that was feminine and delicate, since this date refers to the birth of the daughter of the owners of the winery. That is why we chose the Centaurea, a wild flower that usually grows near fields and vineyards, intermingled with the harvests.

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